Cynthia Wilcox

Elegant Elders was started several years ago as a way to provide lovely black and white portraits of elders living in nursing facilities, assisted living, or with at home care. We too often forget to look for the beauty and soul in their faces. The response was great at two nursing homes. Each person photographed was given a framed copy and opportunities to download more. All portraits were in black and white. Some of those portraits are on this site as examples. Plans were being made to expand the program and then the virus struck. We are hoping we can again soon resume our work.

This website will provide a place for people with a photographic bent to sign up to go to these facilities as needed- perhaps adopt a facility- to take black and white portraits, add post production, and add them to this website. Of course all of this is a free service.

Additionally there will be a place where family members and or staff could take the portraits if they are the only ones allowed in. They could add them to this site and we could provide the post production work.

Now, more than ever, it is important to honor these residents.

Cynthia Wilcox